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Halawa propagates for Israel's on Social media

Cairo: Alamir Kamal Farag.

Israel employs its mass media very well to publish their colonial ideas, and beautify its ugly image in the world, while the Palestinians divided between Fatah and Hamas, and an infinite number of jihadist and commercial organizations. Israel is united and use of science and technology and means of communication to install itself in the occupied territory.

Israel did not use only traditional media, but began early to keep pace with technology, and employ social networking sites to spread malicious ideas.
It is Represented in the many pages launched to communicate in different languages , including Arabic, there is a page provocative "Israel in Egypt", "Stand with us” in several languages, including Arabic, also the page of "the Israeli embassy in Egypt, "and Page of the spokesman for the IDF Israeli Ovijaa Odraei, which found the country channel "Al Jazeera" a wide platform to talk to the Arab peoples.

The Facebook Page "Stand with us” in Arabic "According to the definition of a blogger under the heading" About” : " Stand with us, non-profit organization aimed at educating individuals around the world about Israel and the Middle East. "

The Page is directed mainly towards the Arab peoples in order to instill Israel's legitimacy in the minds of new generations ; a New kind of intellectual war where unfortunately Israel succeeded.

The Page published throughout the day Comments on the positions of Arab and events, and is working to refute it, and promote the Israeli point of view.

Of the fixed elements in the page is a program from the "YouTube" entitled "Ask Halawa" presented by someone named Mark Halawa who was a Muslim, grew up in Kuwait to Palestinian immigrants, turning to Judaism, immigrated to Israel, converted to Jewish and married, and became a mouthpiece objectionably against all that is Arab and Muslim.

His main job is to beautify the ugly picture of Israel, just like the barber who converts the forest monster who did not bathe for 10 years into a clean and fluffy person.

The Page Stand with us includes 53.761 fans so far, and the last post was on March 9, an episode of Halawa; an episode trying to emphasize that Israel is the original home of the Jews and the Palestinians are outsiders, who did not have a presence in this Earth .

The episode did not go unnoticed, where many Arab users of duty, addressing these lies.

Hussein bin Sakhr Said: (OK, but how can you prove that Palestine is the land of the ancestors of the Jews ?? and what history and monuments discovered the land of Palestine show that Jews had the traces of ... I mean, Romans, Byzantines, Muslims monuments Lycia found .... and where are the historic places of the Jews, the kingdom of Judah and Samaria .. according to historians, they lasted for 77 years ... I mean .. short period of time compared to all the peoples who inhabited Palestine, how do you claim that they are the original owners?

There is no such thing as Israel ... not a state for the Jews ...., no usurper occupier entity ... there is only an attempt to blur the history and culture of another people ... which is the most horrendous crime.

The entire Jewish people are criminals, but there are also who sold their dignity and honor; telling like you.. Promoting the ideas of occupation.

Palestine remains an Arab Muslim country, the city of Jerusalem.. The place Aqsa forever.

Date: 2016-06-15 Comments: 0 Visitors :1170
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