Starting from our belief of the concept of the press change, as well as the media, and that the technical and modern sites of social networking and smart devices, (AKF) provides an opportunity to all who wish to join the network of correspondents around the world of amateur and professional, and even wish to public work of citizens, and community services, and deliver the truth .. Therefore, we consider that our 7.53 billion reporters , which is the number of the population in the world.
In accordance with the following rules :
1 - Objective in news and images selections. 2- Support as much as possible confirmed news or a video clip . 3 - attach the news section or the sender data including phone to connect when needed. 4- Not to publish any material did not reassure its credibility.
At present, and because the site is a non-profit, we will not be able to pay a fee for collaborating with us in this area, but in the future we will make sure to provide moral rewards and material symbolic of distinct to send photos and news, according to a base to be determined.
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1- Site directly: click here. 2- Whats app. : 00971561246691 3- Emil :
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تاريخ الإضافة: 2019-01-06تعليق: 0عدد المشاهدات :958