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alamirkamalfarag.com Creates the Pure Egyptian emoji

Cairo: Private.

In the framework of his keenness to provide new to his readers, develop web, and methods of social networking; Amir Kamal Farag website www.alamirkamalfarag.com has developed new "expressive signals"- Emoji- the Egyptian emoji designs are derived from the local culture, which is the first step of its kind in the world of social networking.

The Supervisor of the site Amani Yassin said that "expressive signals or what is known as Emoji, became a new reality in the social networking sites, where they help to further communicate and interact with friends and people everywhere, they also shorten a lot of time and effort, and boil down a lot of meanings in one badge confer on everyone joy and smile, so the website decided to develop these signals to be closer to the Egyptian reader, as an expression of our own culture. "

She added that: "the site is launched in collaboration with some of the designers in the development of emoji that are derived from the Egyptian local culture, creating derived from the Egyptian conscience that full of humor, humanity and cinematic Egyptian figures, as well as vaccination of our statements funny expressions and sayings that are also derived from the Egyptian conscience suggestive influence, to be a mix between the emblem of emoji and comics. "

Yassin explained that the figures that will be inspired in these signals expressive folk artist Shokoko, actress Zeenat Sidqi, Estefan Rosti, Saeed Saleh, and other expressions will be employed in emoji itself, all are derived from the Egyptian culture and sayings."

She pointed out that: "the site tried to expand the traditional options offered by the signals in networking sites, which is limited to the expression of specific humanitarian cases such as approbation, anger and sadness to a wider place where the emoji has turned to be a temporary case like public opinion. it will give the user the opportunity to express what he/she feels ", referring to the intention of the site in the future to extend the idea to include into graphical signals to reflect local cultures of the  Arab countries.

Yassin noted that: "the success of the feature of " true and fault "which was created a year ago, Although the idea was new, we noticed clear demand using it in the expression of approval or disapproval, the two expressions are represented in the symbols of right or cross. "

The Supervisor of the site has confirmed that "the site recorded absolute ownership of the idea under the title" derives emoji of local culture "new and innovative in all its details, and the ensuing from the current developments and innovations or in the future", warning that any attempts to imitate or quote the idea is subjected to the laws of intellectual property protection in Egypt and the world.

Al Amir Kamal Farag website www.alamirkamalfarag.com is a non-profit project created by writer Amir Kamal Farag, a columnist, in 2013, and launched a number of voluntary campaigns, including the" calligraphy life", Safe Internet ", " my grandfather's legacy ", " the Free Sweetest Egypt," Nile .. a matter of life or death, " soldiers of the sun, and" Black and white . along with some other campaigns as a celebration of the memory of last innovators such as calligrapher Muhammad Ghozzi, the artist Mohammed Salima, poet Dr. Mohammad Mohsin, and poet El Desoki Sayed Abbas.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2016-07-08 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1168
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