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Why did ‪‎Britons‬ insist on ‪‎BREXIT‬? | Ahmed Moustafa

First, let us ask about what the meaning of "Brexit" is, and when it occurred?
In brief, Brexit is a compilation of two words "‪‎Britain‬ & ‎Exit‬" and it is simply a referendum is being made by the British to whether stay as a member in the European Union or to exit it, whereas the last referendum that held last Thursday June 23rd 2016 is not the first referendum, but the third one after the failure of the first trial in 1975, followed by the second in the middle of 1990s.
"These 3 Facts Explain Why the U.K. Held the ‘Brexit’ Referendum, TIME, 24 June 2016"

Whereas "Leave" won by 52% to 48% for "Remain", and the referendum turnout was 71.8%, with more than 30 million people voting, as it was the highest turnout in a UK-wide vote since the 1992 general election.

Second, Why the Britons were desirous to vote for Brexit?

- The European Union was threatening British ‪‎sovereignty‬ because any decisions are voted on in ‪Brussels‬, the capital of the European Union, Belgium and become enforceable in Britain under the laws and regulations of the European Union, without any right of the English people to disapprove these things big, in addition to the American influences on the decisions issued from Brussels, especially with terms of World Trade Organization and free trade agreements.

- The European Union was stifling the United Kingdom of cumbersome procedures for the British even for the smallest children's games and so on of things that make British citizens feel upset.

- The European Union has always entrenched the interests of big companies, where the European Union has to agree to deal with certain companies specific American, European, and especially from the transnational companies which unfortunately linked to pressure groups, lobbies or certain governments and the phenomenon of the ‪‎pivot_doors‬ that coinciding with limiting of radical reforms in governmental sectors or in even smaller local companies to keep the Giants' interests, and we had many of the issues discussed with regard to the export of poultry and food from America to Europe, which was being processed chemically in the United States and the failure of the Europeans to block it, and also trade embargo and economic sanctions imposed on trade with Russia after the subject of annexation of the Crimea, which happened under a popular referendum before the world, to which the Crimean people voted to join Russia by more than 70% of the votes because of their lack of confidence in the Ukrainian government to maintain their social and economic rights, even though the Americans have done the same thing in Kosovo in the 1990s, and the world did not say that this is something contrary with law and sanctions should be imposed on both of Europe and America.

- The European Union is a good idea, but the euro has become a disaster, of course, because of the impact of economies of wars, which I talked about earlier, and monitored the expenditure of the West, the United States and the Gulf countries amounts estimated at around $ 12 trillion on the wars in both of Afghanistan and Iraq, which had been so-called "War Antiterrorism" without illegal justification or evidence by the testimony of the first war criminal "George W. Bush", as well as the second war criminal, the former British Prime Minister "Tony Blair" the latter who was then appointed by ‪‎USA‬ as a president of the Quartet in the Palestinian case file as a reward to him - that war, which plunged liquidity in the whole world with a corrupt, failed and untransparent banking system, has funded the wars in favor of the British and American companies and the result was the destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan and the destruction of the economy in the whole world.

- European Union is allowed a lot of #immigrants, however the West intervention, especially Britain and France, unfortunately in sabotage of the Arab revolutions, as well as vandalism in a big country like Libya was the firewall anti illegal immigration from Africa, in addition to having the same unpardonable mistake in Syria unlawfully, and to support Turkey without control in this regard, the radical regime, led to the breakdown of the situation and backfired, no longer the Western European countries tolerate only immigrants from central and Eastern European countries, who entered forcefully to the Union, with US support and pressures, but also both of Turkey and Libya became devil's cross-portals of the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, whether from countries that have previously prosperity at large, like "Syrian immigrants", as most of them educated, intellectuals, accustomed to Western ambiances, unfortunately forced to migrate as result of the circumstances of the war on terror and destruction unfortunately that happened to them by the West and supported by the West, or immigrants from the communities of poverty and non-urbanized environments, who committed big problems inside European Union when they enter as immigrants.

- The United Kingdom was able to have its own more rational migration system outside the European Union, which depends on the efficiency and professionalism of migrants, not on the preference of the European immigrant comparing to the others even though he is less efficient, which will reflect well in raising the economic level of the fifth-strongest economy in the world, and a permanent member state of the Security Council.

- UK can keep the money that is currently sent to the European Union, in order to support it to continue without full membership or out of the membership, and to keep the balanced interests with allies and European partners, but without interfering in UK internal affairs.

- Also Britain, unfortunately, and in spite of the high level of democracy, decentralization and local governance, suffers from severe centralized, so that the second largest British city "Manchester" as stated in the reports of the British experts plagued by unemployment and recession, and high level of poverty, because it is almost a member of every family has a job opportunity, which led to low standard of living in the regions of Britain away from London, and the feeling of the majority of the Britons from the absence of a standard of social and this is reflected in the outcome of the referendum held during the parliamentary elections by the BBC - which monitored that more than 30% of the respondents admitted that "elections do not constitute any difference for us - where policies are the same."

- #Arrogance by party leaders, parliamentarians and senior staff on the citizens and even after the result of this unprecedented referendum to liken the majority of English people as "ignorant" or by saying "They or Those", really we do not know as if we were in a state of Arab and Islamic countries which are far from democracy, as well as "Oligarchies" who are not much different either here or there - who said some ridiculous comments that are similar to some of our politicians "We know more than the people and we enjoy the absolute truth", in addition to some silly words represented in "These are the Disadvantages of Democracy" and "We will not allow this to be repeated in the future"!!!!!.

- Of course degradation of levels of health insurance and low free education grants in the state, which is supposed one of the beacons of science in the world and its universities the best universities in the world to date.

- Unfortunately, what has happened in Britain of a media horde to remain in the EU and to promote it since last February is similar to what happens in our fledgling states in freedoms and democracy, and then portrays that Britain will enter a dark tunnel with separation, this empire, where the sun never sets at a time of times, in addition to the use of the stick and threat by the current Minister of the Treasury to cut 80 billion pounds dedicated to education, health and scientific research, in case the the British vote to leave !!!!! As if we were in the Arab world hhhhhhhhhhh.

What are the implications of Brexit internally, regionally and internationally?

• From the procedural side, we are talking about Article_50 of the #Treaty_of_Lisbon, which recognizes that the full withdrawal of any of the Member States occurs within two years after applying for withdrawal after viewing the result of the referendum to withdraw by the British parliament and approval thereto, and then forwarded subject to Brussels to consider and take a decision of disengagement with the EU, and therefore there are two theories - (I) single market theory namely that remain on the majority of bilateral agreements between the parties "British and European" concerning freedom of movements of people and capital without restrictions which so-called partial separation and preferential treatment, (II) and the theory of complete separation here what it is called in the international law in the cooperation between international entities and countries "the reciprocity principle".

• The idea of exit from the European Union will establish a new principle for some countries, which do not feel comfortable with the EU, for the rest of the Member States, and therefore they will show some of separatism, especially the countries that suffer from economic crises in Eastern and Central Europe, or even the old States of the EU, such as Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal, because they inevitably will be affected economically by the Brexit, because they will not bear the consequences of external debt and the burden of the euro more and more than ever before, especially with the strong impact of social networking sites, and youth movements and student revolution, which is censored in western media, it will become both of Germany and France only reliable for protecting the survival of the EU, and this matter will put pressure on their economies significantly with the existing public pressure, especially in France, and an influx of migrants from the Middle East and Africa, and accordingly the euro will decline dramatically.

• Britain's economy may be affected after the separation period, but will return again quickly after the corrective action and the fight against corruption in media, economy and banking system, which must be carried out, and the restructuring of certain internal and external economic policies, because Britain has the tools to be able to cross these incidental symptoms well.

• Britain will be in a state of freedom that allow it out of the European Union, and re-establishing relations with #Russia, naturally, because they will not be subject to European sanctions against Russia again, which came under pressure from the United States, as we know it is because of the subject of Ukraine and Crimea - as well as when Russia said with President Putin we will not be a follower anymore to America and we will be equal to it in the future - also Britain will apply the same case with Iran - but #China already are present within Europe strongly, because Europe is the largest Chinese market, as well as the Chinese initiative Silk_Road, which includes 16 European countries through, which will have a parallel large impact to the United States economically and politically - it is noteworthy that Russia and China are the coming powers in addition to Iran - Russia and China are currently members of several international political and effective economic organizations "Security Council - the Group of 20 - Asia-Pacific - BRICS - and with Iran in the Shanghai Security and Cooperation organization, after Iran's acquisition of full membership thereof the last week in Uzbekistan - Asia International Infrastructure Bank" whereas the latest Sino_Russian summit, which took place recently in Beijing was not arranged randomly, as it was two days after Brexit referendum, to develop alternative scenarios, and possibly Britain's security and intelligence expected cooperation with the three countries in a new and different manner, to fight terrorism so as not to reach Britain, because the three aforementioned countries are expertise in this field, especially when Britain currently has mercenaries of Daesh inside Syria now with regret.

• Perhaps Britain would not adopt initiatives in NATO, and its military decisions will not be subjected anymore to the United States, like the rest of EU or NATO countries, affecting their economies, as happened previously in the disasters of Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and perhaps take a different position from the Syrian file to support the solution of peaceful Syrian-Syrian political solution, as well as the rest of the region's issues, such as Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and certainly the Palestinian case, to improve the tarnished image of Britain, which, unfortunately, has been made because of conservatives as well as the wrong policies over the past twenty years or more, and to maintain funds and the British Treasury and spending it in the worthy issues.

• I think it has become more difficult for Turkey to enter the EU, because the largest country, which was supportive of Turkey's entry was Britain, for strong bilateral relationships between Britain and Turkey, and the fact that Turkey is a member of NATO, as well as the support of David Cameron's "the outgoing Prime Minister" to Turkey, as a response to the favor, which Turkey carried out, concerning the Turkish application of the Western and NATO policies in the Syrian file and in Iraq, while turning a blind eye to oil and heritage theft, which were then re-sold to the West cheaply, and with Brexit, Erdogan will confront Germany and France, the two barrier countries to the entry of the EU, because Turkey does not respect neither the freedoms, nor taking strong steps in the fight against terrorism, as well as the recent recognition of the German Bundestag of the turkey involvement in the Armenian Genocide, I do not think a state that live on European and Gulf aids and is governed by an extremist government can enter the Union, rather than Britain.

• At the level of Egypt, there may be greater cooperation between the two sides, for British and Egyptian historical relations, Britain's awareness of the role of Egypt in the Arab region, and the possibility of Egypt to provide solutions to the crises in the region, If Egypt is enable to do this, and if decision-makers embraced the idea of having a strong chance to be tapped to improve relations, and the restoration of greater numbers of British tourists more than before, whom we lost because of the terrorist incident of Russian aircraft in the skies of Sinai, which is a knife in the back of Egypt - Are we ready for that?!!!

• At the end - what carried out by English people for the second time, after the election of the new Mayor_of_London out of British Muslims and of Pakistani origin for efficiency, representing the top of democracy, which has learned many peoples on earth, because this is the will of the majority of the people, however what propagates Unfortunately, by the British media, especially poisoned and tainted ones e.g. "BBC, the Guardian and the Daily Mail" associated with the agendas of globalization, neo-liberalism, stakeholders in big parties "the conservatives and the labor", businessmen, Treasury Secretary and members of the House of Commons and House of Lords, that the devastation is coming to Britain inevitably after Brexit - is nothing but lies promoted by demons for their own interests and agendas - Finally, I do respect the distinguished English people and send them my deepest tribute.

Please be guided accordingly.

Ahmed Moustafa: Economic & Political Researcher – CODESRIA Member

تاريخ الإضافة: 2016-06-29 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1197
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