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برنامج ذكاء اصطناعي من غوغل يكشف السرطان       تقنية الليزر تثبت أن الديناصورات كانت تطير       يوتيوب تي في.. خدمة جديدة للبث التلفزيوني المباشر       الخارجية الأمريكية تنشر ثم تحذف تهنئة بفوز مخرج إيراني بالأوسكار       الصين تدرس تقديم حوافز مالية عن إنجاب الطفل الثاني       حفل الأوسكار يجذب أقل نسبة مشاهدة أمريكية منذ 2008       تعطل في خدمة أمازون للحوسبة السحابية يؤثر على خدمات الإنترنت       حاكم دبي يقدم وظيفة شاغرة براتب مليون درهم       ترامب يتعهد أمام الكونغرس بالعمل مع الحلفاء للقضاء على داعش       بعد 17 عاما نوكيا تعيد إطلاق هاتفها 3310       لافروف: الوضع الإنساني بالموصل أسوأ مما كان بحلب       فيتو لروسيا والصين يوقف قرارا لفرض عقوبات على الحكومة السورية       بيل غيتس يحذر العالم ويدعوه للاستعداد بوجه الإرهاب البيولوجي       ابنا رئيس أمريكا يزوران دبي لافتتاح ملعب ترامب للغولف       رونالدو وأنجلينا جولي ونانسي عجرم في فيلم يروي قصة عائلة سورية نازحة      

alamirkamalfarag.com Raises the English content to 50%

Cairo: A K F..

www.alamirkamalfarag.com decided to raise the published English content from 2% up to 50%, out of its role to contributein translating the Arab Thoughts to the other languages.

The Supervisor on the site said that: " Despite the fact that Arabic is the basic language of the site since its beginning, we dedicate two main sections of the published materials in English, the first is “Translated Articles” dedicated to the deployment of Al Amir Kamal Faraj translatedarticles, and the second is “Egypt News” which is dedicated to publishing Egyptnews in English.According to the new step, the English content will be gradually raised to be at least half of the site, so the site will be in both Arabic and English.

He indicated that: "English is the first language in the world, spoken by 25% of Earth population, more than 1.8 billion people, and to address its users in the world achieves several advantages; such as the easy access to the other, increasing the area of the presence of the site on the Internet search engines" referring to that websites should be concerned with the issue of translation, and draws global discourse to the reader, so as not to remain isolated addressing each other, and therefore the disastrous effects can be avoided.

The Supervisor explained that: "the rising of the English content to 50% requires a great effort, and the efforts of professional translators, but we will work to reach this goal within 3 months", pointing out that the localized topics into English will be chosen carefully, and will take into account the quality and originality, the message provided by to the foreigner reader, making a criterion mechanism to check the translation.

He also noted that: "the site primarily provides translation service to 70 international languages through a special icon at the top of the home page, the translation mechanism accuracy does not exceed 85%, but the internal translation of the site will be a professional accurate one."
Al Amir Kamal Farag website www.alamirkamalfarag.com is a non-profit project created by writer Amir Kamal Farag, a columnist, in 2013, and launched a number of voluntary campaigns, including the" calligraphy life", Safe Internet ", " my grandfather's legacy ", " the Free Sweetest Egypt," Nile .. a matter of life or death, " soldiers of the sun, and" Black and white . along with some other campaigns as a celebration of the memory of last innovators such as calligrapher Muhammad Ghozzi, the artist Mohammed Salima, poet Dr. Mohammad Mohsin, and poet ElDesoki Sayed Abbas.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2016-06-03 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1158
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