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A Campaign to commemorate the Azhari poet Sayed Abbas El Desoki

Cairo : A K F.

Al Amir Kamal Farag site www.alamirkamalfarag.com has launched a campaign to commemorate the Egyptian poet Mr. Abbas El Desoki, son of the village Alheiatm Mahalla, one of the main public figures in the seventies and eighties, who enriched the literary library with many of the volumes, which were a sign of modern poetry.

The supervisor of the site Amani Yassin said that "out of the site role, and our social responsibility, we have decided to commemorate the poet Sheikh Sayed El Desoki Abbas, the writer of the creative poetic experience, multi- levels of culture, creativity and contributions."

Al Amir Kamal Faraj said, "I used to know the poet Sayed El Desoki Abbas through his poetry, and in the city of Kafr El-Zayat in the secondary school, and despite the lack of my meetings with him, it was our literary and deep spiritual connection, and I was eager to read poetic works that are available to me, and his poetry was characterized with emotional kind , smoothness and tenderness, and he writes a vertical beautiful poetry that enters the heart without permission, and force you to keep it by heart, there are verses that I still keep so far.

Al Amir Kamal Faraj said: "I remember in the 80s I was a student at the Faculty of Arts, University of Tanta, I issued on my own expense a literary magazine called" Defaf" and sent him a copy by mail, days after I received replies from him in the same way by mail, which includes a wonderful poem in handwriting on light paper that I still keep to date.

Al Amir Kamal Faraj added that " the information available about the Sheikh are rare, and I remember that one of his relatives emailed me through Facebook, and reminded me that he always reminds me, but unfortunately the channels of communication were cut off after him, and to search in the search engines, I found a biography that I am not sure about extent of its accuracy, but it is true, where the curriculum includes his full name:
 "Sayed El Desoki Abbas", and the city of Growing up "Alheiatm, Mahalla al-Kubra center", and some other information I already knew about him, like he was a "disable", and also a piece of information that has been associated closely with poetry". I am calling the relatives of the poet and his attendants to communicate with the site to gather more information about him, and the dissemination of his work, and to celebrate the anniversary of such poetic talent that was born and excelled, and also departed in silence.

Al Amir Kamal Farag website www.alamirkamalfarag.com is a non-profit site launched by columnist Amir Kamal Faraj in 2013, the site has launched a number of voluntary campaigns, including the" calligraphy life," Safe Internet ", " legacy of my grandfather, " the sweetest Egypt is Free, " Nile .. a matter life or death," sun soldiers," Black and white ", and the former one as a celebration of the anniversary of the departed artists such as calligrapher Mohamed Ghozzi, and poet Mohammed Mohsen.

Sayed El Desoki Abbas (Source: Internet):

Sheikh Sayed El Desoki Abbas was born in the village of Alheiatm, a village Mahalla, Gharbia Governorate, in 1942 from a dignified and well-known generosity and religious family, and ends with the percentage-Sharif to the Messenger of God in terms of his uncle Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib (may Allah be pleased with him) as it is known to the people of the village and the county, and all of the known genealogical the people of the village.

He spent his life in several stages to this day, since the youngster he was knew with his brilliant intelligence that caused his father's God's mercy be upon him to register for him in (Dar Koranic) to learn the Koran. After he completed memorizing the Quran and learning to read and write, his father registered him in Azhar to learn the legal and linguistic science. Since childhood he was fond of poetry, he has completed primary school successfully.

During high school , he suffered problems in the lower limbs, and he could move with great difficulty, and this is not a prohibitive to continue learning and reading, but he continued to learn in various religious sciences, read literature, biography and Islamic stories , poetry, grammar, that many of the villagers had come back to him in most things, especially religious issues, and asked him, he answered, and the people of his village are very glad when they hear that Sheikh will deliver a speech or a letter or a lesson here and there.
 Everyone was keen to come to him to listen to his lessons; he was talented with the sweetness of statement, ease of expression and fluency. Being disable did not prevent him from studying the religion, but he was so active either to learn or to answer people who came to learn and hear from him.

 With his young age , in the 60s of the last century, he has been a leader for the people of the village, they used to return to him and ask him in every simple thing, for their trust in him but also for his intelligence, and his struggle for the call.

 Sheikh was the strongest opponent of Sufism and Sufi (for their heresies and irregularities to Islam), and was opposed to each grave or tomb rise above the Earth's surface, and he was calling for removal of cemeteries and flattened of these graves or mosques.

 By time, he read a lot, and with forethought and reflection , his experience increased in life, changed his views in a lot of religious issues, particularly those of Sufism and Sufi orders, and changed his destination to intense love for the people of the house, and then of saints.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2016-03-21 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1140
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