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The British complex Cannot Qualify the English people to Mock Sisi

Cairo : Alamir Kamal Farag.

A British Comedian has Mocked from the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, through his cynical, in a way that reflects the envy the British feel from the Egyptian president who exposes the global conspiracy against the Arabs, and to identify abnormal relationship between America and Britain starting from the era of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who endorsed without debate the US invasion of Iraq, which was the beginning of the collapse of the Middle East..

The British comedian John Oliver mocked from Sisi and his economic vision in his show “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver”, which is broadcasted on Channel HPO trying to ridicule the positions and statements made by the Egyptian President in different situations, claiming the existence of what he called the paradoxes in the rule of Sisi.

Of course, the British press took advantage of the situation, including the "Huffington Post" and its suspicious Arabic edition, has produced copies of the program and published widely on the social networking sites.

The silly Broadcaster, which begs laughter, said that Sisi is begging from the people, and asks them to donate to Egypt even one dollar, while his entourage using the red carpet at the opening of a project, this carpet alone costs 240 thousand dollars.

It is clear from the sections transported by the English broadcaster that draws information from the channel "Al Jazeera" client, which reflects the first professional weakness, instead of inventing Dull media idea, also reflects the reality of these kinds of programs that rely on hallucinations, defamation, and jokes.

But .. What drives an English broadcaster to customize the program for making satire on a president of a country that is located hundreds of thousands of miles away, while there are hundreds of topics in his country, attitudes and personalities that deserve ridicule?

The Egyptian node is still standing in the way of all English, so after the Egyptians succeeded in expelling the British colonialists from Egypt and the Arab states in 1952, and the expulsion of the British from Egypt logo still hunting them, the slogan of that times was "Aaaziz .. Aaaziz .. let the British go away". This node is reflected on many of the actions of the British, including British Prime Minister David Cameron, who tried to embarrass President Sisi during his visit to Britain, turning it into an occasion specialized to weep on the victims of the "Russian" plane.
The British ambassador in Cairo, John Kasn who has no taste, does not know the diplomacy rules, sometimes comments on the prison sentences against the journalists of Al-Jazeera, and asks its fans again: what do you think about January 25 revolution.

To the English announcer I want to say .. as you did mock of our president .. We are also able to make fun of yours and your leadership, led by Queen Elizabeth and her family, especially the Duchess "..." that resemble those with special needs ..

We can open up sexual scandals file of the British royal family, and the role of the palace in the murder of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed after the "illegal" relationship forged away from the appointed Britain's Prince Charles, and wonder .. Is Prince Harry already the son of Prince Charles, or the Son James Hewitt, the former lover of Princess Diana? we also have to open Britain's role in harboring the terrorists of the world, and specifically its role in the invasion of Iraq and the threat to world peace file. Britain, the colonial state, which is still dealing with a sense of the colonial world, is neither eligible for criticizing nor ridiculous. As the popular saying goes : "who lives in a glass house can’t throw people with bricks" and "who has a patch on head, he feels it."

The English often are known with their lack of taste, and chill, so that the coldness itself stuck them. The whole world knows "the English for their coldness”.. And the English character itself is ridiculous and fertile material for cartoonists and providers of satirical programs. So it is very easy to laugh at you, as you did of our president.

Britain, which introduced the world to the strangest democracy, the democracy of lowering the gaze, While paying all the time to speak about the practice of democracy through the British Council. It has no objection to care about the dictatorships, not only that; it is for the sake of the British pound that has always been ready to receive bribes, so that the "British bribery" has become a global reputation.

The sins of many British colonizers can help us to work on dozens of funny sarcastic episodes, but they themselves mocked the UK and its political system, even from Her Majesty the Queen in person. Australians even mocked them too.

One example of this is that Australian citizen Liam Warner, 22, who revealed his ass in front of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II during her visit to Australia the year before, as an expression of political protest, and his disdain towards the queen.

John Oliver’s satirical program is a kind of such programs that rely on the "registered artificial laughter" emerged during the decline of the global media performance, which is like an unemployed Jon Stewart American program, the Egyptian satirist Bassem Youssef, and finally the "good afternoon" show presented by the looser Obouhafizah which aired on MBC and also a program called " the happy face"- or as it known as “Wesh El Saad”- by the harasser Mohamed Saad which is broadcasted on the same channel. All these   programs embody the media drop that occurred in the last ten years.

Britain, America and the West know very well that a new situation in Egypt is formed, and the similarities between Sisi and the late leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, who was about to lead the whole world. Therefore, such satirical programs reflect the global concerns of what is happening in Egypt of major shifts.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2016-03-01 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1353
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