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برنامج ذكاء اصطناعي من غوغل يكشف السرطان       تقنية الليزر تثبت أن الديناصورات كانت تطير       يوتيوب تي في.. خدمة جديدة للبث التلفزيوني المباشر       الخارجية الأمريكية تنشر ثم تحذف تهنئة بفوز مخرج إيراني بالأوسكار       الصين تدرس تقديم حوافز مالية عن إنجاب الطفل الثاني       حفل الأوسكار يجذب أقل نسبة مشاهدة أمريكية منذ 2008       تعطل في خدمة أمازون للحوسبة السحابية يؤثر على خدمات الإنترنت       حاكم دبي يقدم وظيفة شاغرة براتب مليون درهم       ترامب يتعهد أمام الكونغرس بالعمل مع الحلفاء للقضاء على داعش       بعد 17 عاما نوكيا تعيد إطلاق هاتفها 3310       لافروف: الوضع الإنساني بالموصل أسوأ مما كان بحلب       فيتو لروسيا والصين يوقف قرارا لفرض عقوبات على الحكومة السورية       بيل غيتس يحذر العالم ويدعوه للاستعداد بوجه الإرهاب البيولوجي       ابنا رئيس أمريكا يزوران دبي لافتتاح ملعب ترامب للغولف       رونالدو وأنجلينا جولي ونانسي عجرم في فيلم يروي قصة عائلة سورية نازحة      

The Roots of Jurbani Tribe .. A Campaign to trace the History of the Family

Cairo : A K F. 

Al Amir Kamal Farag website has recently launched a Campaign to document the history of the tribe, "Jurbani" which confirms the evidence that their lineage up to Imam Hussein, may God bless him, and make them known, and the preparation of a basic system of volunteer for helping theirsons to communicate and cooperate in righteousness and piety, and community service.

The supervisor of the site Amani Yassin, has stated that "Jurbani family is one of the Arab tribes that spreads their sons in many Arab countries, including Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, while in Egypt it is presented in many cities such as Kafr El Zayat, Alexandria, Apis, and Sohag, Luxor, Qena, Armant, Sement, Farshout, and also outside Egypt in many countries, including Denmark, and Italy. "

She added: "The campaign will work to gather information on tribal members in countries around the world, documenting this information to form what looks like, and to provide information successively initial map can be built upon, to form a general idea of the whereabouts of the sons of the tribe, as well as documentation of what is available from the information with the help of members names to communicate. "

Yassin alsoexplained, that "the campaign will use all the technical means to communicate with the Jerbani members everywhere, including the means of social communication that will facilitate this task significantly, in addition to the various search engines."

She called on all those who belong to the Jurbani tribe to connect with the campaign for the registration of his information, and raising the slogan "Jurbani" designed by artist Mustafa Danasoury for their pages on social means and their accounts of the definition of belonging to the tribe.

The supervisor also indicated that "the campaign is just a simplevolunteerstep, we hope to build upon others of the tribe members with their ideas and suggestions, and the emergence of a new generation of Jerbani interested in documenting the history of the tribe".Noting that she looks forward to the campaign to evolve in the future for up to support the needy in the tribe and bring about real social development of them.

She pointed out that the campaign will take the general concepts of the tribe, which are togetherness, communication, kinship and social solidarity, and to leave all social debates that disfigured their unity such as intolerance, flaunt, pride, and arrogance. "

www.alamirkamalfarag.com  is a non-profit site founded by journalist and writer Amir Kamal Farag, son of Jerbani in 2013 , Cairo .

The site has launched several campaigns to volunteer community service, including: "The Arabic Writing as a life," "Safe Internet", and "The Free Egypt is sweeter ", and “ Nile River .. a matter of Life or Death”, “Soldiers of the Sun” , “Black and White”, and “Al Hadrah” campaigns.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2016-02-10 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1262
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