تسجيل الدخول
برنامج ذكاء اصطناعي من غوغل يكشف السرطان       تقنية الليزر تثبت أن الديناصورات كانت تطير       يوتيوب تي في.. خدمة جديدة للبث التلفزيوني المباشر       الخارجية الأمريكية تنشر ثم تحذف تهنئة بفوز مخرج إيراني بالأوسكار       الصين تدرس تقديم حوافز مالية عن إنجاب الطفل الثاني       حفل الأوسكار يجذب أقل نسبة مشاهدة أمريكية منذ 2008       تعطل في خدمة أمازون للحوسبة السحابية يؤثر على خدمات الإنترنت       حاكم دبي يقدم وظيفة شاغرة براتب مليون درهم       ترامب يتعهد أمام الكونغرس بالعمل مع الحلفاء للقضاء على داعش       بعد 17 عاما نوكيا تعيد إطلاق هاتفها 3310       لافروف: الوضع الإنساني بالموصل أسوأ مما كان بحلب       فيتو لروسيا والصين يوقف قرارا لفرض عقوبات على الحكومة السورية       بيل غيتس يحذر العالم ويدعوه للاستعداد بوجه الإرهاب البيولوجي       ابنا رئيس أمريكا يزوران دبي لافتتاح ملعب ترامب للغولف       رونالدو وأنجلينا جولي ونانسي عجرم في فيلم يروي قصة عائلة سورية نازحة      

Al Hadra … A Modern Invitation for Zekr “Remembrance of Allah”

Cairo : A K F .

Al Amir Kamal Farag website http://www.alamirkamalfarag.com/  has launched an advocacy campaign for the remembrance of Allah, in modern methods, which employ the new age tools, and rediscover Sufi trend that was wronged by a huge number and for a long time, it was attacked despite its goals of pure remembrance of Allah.

The supervisor of the site Amani Yassin said that: "believing in the role of Al Amir Kamal Farag website, and Volunteering as a non-profit, declared his vision embodied in the need for innovation in charitable and volunteer work, and not only the traditional methods, the site has created a modern technology campaign to call to God by modern methods of innovative that keep up with the time, and the tendencies of the new generations. "

She added that: "the campaign has taken the name of “Hadra” a headline in an attempt to rediscover the Sufi trend which aims to work on noble and dignified mentioning of God. Al Hadra is the name given to a group of people who meet in a specific place, for a specific goal which is the remembrance of Allah in a collective manner, which is a social and religious tradition, has it Sufi orders in Egypt and the Muslim world. "

Yassin explained that " The Sufi were accused sometimes of wrong understanding in behaviors and principles, and other accusations, mostly are unjust ones, as the critics have forgotten that the negative phenomena exist in all practices", asserting that the Sufi of the respective campaign, is limited to “calling and remembrance of Allah” away from any criticism about their practices that takes advantage of this distortion in a respected religious science.”

Yassin also confirmed that "the Muslim community needs Sufi in its true sense, especially in the light of the growing militant currents, extremism, fanaticism and the terrorism that lurks youth, to be submitted in modern renewable way to fit the new generations."

The Supervisor of the site also asserted that: "the campaign will work to raise awareness of the importance of Zekr – Remembrance of Allah- its eminence and its high rank in Islam. The campaign will also work on the production of awareness about Zekr in particular, and the beautiful values in general , in new ways, using different expression Arts, and will be published through the site, and social networking sites to reach the largest number of people. "

www.alamirkamalfarag.com  is a non-profit site founded by journalist and writer Amir Kamal Farag in 2013, Cairo.
The site has launched several campaigns to volunteer community service, including: "The Arabic Writing as a life" , "Safe Internet", "The Free Egypt is sweeter ", and “ Nile River .. a matter of Life or Death”, “Soldiers of the Sun” and “Black and White” .

تاريخ الإضافة: 2016-01-31 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :967
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