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It’s Not Your Business .. A satire campaign to stop the foreign interference

Cairo : A K F .

 Al Amir Kamal Farag website www.alamirkamalfarag.com  has launched a   satiric campaign to express their rejection of foreign interference in Egyptian affairs, under the title “Not Your Business” which is witnessed across multiple sectors such as international organizations, bodies and human rights groups, under the pretext of human rights, satellite channels under the pretext of media freedom, and at some other times it comes from individuals under various pretexts.

The supervisor of the site Amani Yassin has stated that "Egypt has suffered for several years of foreign intervention, especially after the revolution of January 25, 2011, that was represented in several situations, some have described the Egyptian revolution in the June 30, 2013 as "a coup ".. and continued to interfere in the most political stages that followed; it even came to intervene in the provisions of the Egyptian judiciary, which comes after scrutiny, after the exhaustion of natural stages of litigation, as happened after the death sentences on the terrorist leaders. "

She also added that "the international organizations, including those that raise the banner of human rights are often tools to blackmail the political system, for evil purposes, not least because of the invasion of Iraq, which was based on false reports of major international institutions, and unfortunately major international organizations get involved in this dirty process such as the United Nations; one example that proves the point is the statement of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Nov. 2015 when he expressed his concern about the arrest of the Egyptian authorities to a journalist, while he didn’t even care about building Ethiopia Renaissance dam on the Nile, and its threat to the Egyptian and African water security and even it puts the world at risk, and if the international organization tries to prevent Egypt from exercising its rights which is the investigation with a citizen. "

Yassin explained that " one of the tools of blackmailing states is satellite and mass media, as it turns the media respected message – that is to spread the truth - into a tool of espionage counterfeiting, and extortion, like what happened with the Qatari channel" Al Jazeera ", which had tried to intervene in the Egyptian affairs through their direct channel launched in Egypt ", which worked to undermine the Egyptian regime, supporting terrorism, and ignite a civil war."

The supervisor Yassin also referred to : "there is a third form of interference in the Egyptian affairs, which is the interference of the Arab media in Egyptian politics, when some supported the  Brotherhood regime, and this kind of common interference with the participation of a lot of individuals who exceed and interfered in the Egyptian affairs on purposes and for self-interests, despite the fact that had nothing to do with it. "

Yassin also said that "some people justify their waging in Egyptian affairs for their love of Egypt, and their fear, and excessive passion towards it, but this case sometimes reaches to be a mere audacity."

"We do not interfere in the political affairs of other States, even in the strange situations, because of our awareness that each country has its own conditions, traditions and social customs, and, as the saying goes," the people of Mecca know its twists ". So we reject strongly any intervenes in our affairs."

She also demonstrated, that "it’s just an ironic campaign named after an Egyptian slang expression directs who interferes in others’ businesses. This title was chosen to reflect the rejection of a large sector of Egyptians to this phenomenon, which causes grudges, and differentiates between communities.

She stressed that "the campaign will work on exposing and publishing the foreign interference in Egyptian affairs in periodical data, whether from governments, organizations or individuals, and will work on the composition of global public opinion that rejects the interference in the affairs of other countries, and even punish for this intervention," noting that The campaign slogan could be used to respond to any of those who interfere in Egyptian affairs.

www.alamirkamalfarag.com is a non-profit website launched by the columnist Al Amir Kamal Farag in 2013, the site has launched a number of voluntary initiatives, including “The Arabic Calligraphy as a life”, “Safe Internet”, “The Heritage of our Ancestors”,  “ The Free Egypt is Sweeter”, “ Nile River .. A Matter of life or death”, and recently “Soldiers of the Sun.”

تاريخ الإضافة: 2016-01-18 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1103
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