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The Soldiers of the Sun … A National Campaign to Support the Egyptian Military

Cairo : A K F.

The website of the journalist Al Amir Kamal www.alamirkamalfarag.com/ has launched a national campaign entitled "sun soldiers" on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the revolution of January 25, 2011, in which the army sided with the people, to pass the period that was one of the most difficult periods in its history.

The supervisor of the site Amani Yassin said that: "The campaign comes in the first place greeting the Egyptian army in all its soldiers and its leaders, in recognition of the multiple roles carried out for the home, great sacrifices and efforts made to protect it."

She added, that the " Egyptian Army has proved a national faith throughout history and always proved its worth as the best hosts of the earth, and it was his victory in the October 1973 war culmination of this doctrine, where it had put an end to the legend of the Israeli enemy as “invincible” in 6 hours, and acheived victory for the Arab first in the modern era ".

She explained Yassin, that "the Egyptian army did not hesitate in the revolution of January 25, 2011 to align to the desire of the people, stood beside the Egyptians, even managed to drop the Brotherhood government who was ruling the country for a year, and not for its national and courageous role; Egypt would become like other neighboring; war-torn, conflicted, extremist and terrorist organizations. "

The supervisor Yassin also adds, that "the army's role was not limited to its primary functions, a defense of the homeland, but appreciating the exceptional circumstances experienced by the country, took to the streets to protect the home front from predators enemies, and not only that, but it used all possible means, like its substantial experience and potential, engineering and management excellence in the civilian community service, to provide a lot of construction and public service. "

Yassin Confirmed, that "the campaign comes in different forms, to include a definition on the Egyptian army supervisor since the beginning of history, which will be used in that all the expressive arts such as news, a journalist investigation, expressive graphics and comics ", in addition to moral support to the families of the martyrs of the army, and the definition of the Egyptian military capacity that is not allowed to be traded, and expose any practices targeting its unity and strength, and to instill love of the army in the hearts of young people, and future generations, and to draw attention to external and internal conspiracies aimed at undermining it. "

She noted that the "error is a humanitarian status, and any human is exhibited to error, there is no person clear from errors, including the army, but we reject catching some individual errors that actually are rare, and exploited to distort this army," pointing out that the military has mechanisms that watch, and address errors.

www.alamirkamalfarag.com  is a non-profit site founded by journalist and writer Amir Kamal Farag in 2013 , Cairo .

The site has launched several campaigns to volunteer community service, including: "The Arabic Writing as a life," "Safe Internet", and "The Free Egypt is sweeter ", and “ Nile River .. a matter of Life or Death” campaigns.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2016-01-15 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1224
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