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Danasoury : The Technology disappeared the Sense of the Beautiful Arabic calligraphy

Cairo : A K F .

the artist Mustafa Danasoury who is taking part in the campaign for his paintings "calligraphy life" launched by Al Amir Kamal Faraj website, to raise awareness of Arabic calligraphy, the revival of calligraphy, to restore the touch of beauty and sophistication, and a sense of art, the elements that disappeared under the pressure of the rapid rhythm of life .

He said, "The current overwhelming technological revolution and the emergence of computers in various correspondence covered the sense of the beauty of the Arab character that gives the hand of the calligrapher emitted from flooding sense of beauty, imagination and makes the handwriting come alive ".

He added that "calligraphy is an art taught in schools, but it was neglected other than what it was in the past, when the was calligraphy enjoys a greater share of attention since the early stages of education through qualified teachers proficient in writing and teaching calligraphy, and the allocation of quotas to him no less important than other  materials ".
Besides the aesthetic standards of Arabic calligraphy, he adds:  "the Arabs invented an ancient Arabic writing letters, that were characterized by their beauty, breathtaking, and set standards for beauty and gracious, even some writers have asked him about the line when it deserves to be described as quality? He answers : If it moderated divisions, and orthodoxy envisages, and clear enough to be readable and beautiful as paintings ".

he also added that "the beauty of the Arab handwriting  arrived to the extent that non-Arabs admire it, this Roman Caesar received a written message from one of the caliphs, letters coordination and mincing his words, he says: what you see is something better than this figure, and envy them for their ability to write such beauty ".

And about his relationship with Arabic calligraphy, Danasoury said, "I loved calligraphy since the early stages of education, where we were taught it under the supervision of some specialized teachers who were dedicated to mastering the line, and inspire their students to improve it and recite with continuous follow-up, which made me and some classmates distinct in their lines, and the time I discovered my talent, and grew my sense of the beauty of the Arabic script, i made a point of seeking more of the rules that make me familiar with the different types of Arabic calligraphy, and stand on the aesthetics of each type with constant practice with that I could not join any school of Arabic calligraphy, so I was able, thanks to God to write various lines ".

He explained, that "practical teaching has allowed me to instill in the hearts of my students love calligraphy by writing the Arabic language lessons in a good handwriting on the blackboard, until my course became calligraphers, and even become some after specializing in Arabic calligraphy schools study where I worked as a teacher of calligraphy those schools.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2016-01-13 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1256
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