The Arab citizen spends most of his time waiting, no matter what he is waiting for, but what really matters is to wait any way; waiting to buy bread, waiting his turn in the bank, waiting for a bonus or a promotion, waiting for getting married, or waiting for a better life in general.
“Waiting” is a pure act connected to the Arab life style. The worst is the waiting for some thing that never comes.
The act of waiting is not important, but what to do in the long boring time of waiting is important. There are some people who spend their time of waiting in staring at nothing definitely, others may read an old newspaper, others may sigh in anger, and others have the ability to sleep at any time and any where; in a train, at a wedding party, any where he can lean his head against any thing and fell asleep in a minute.
You may find in the waiting rooms some signboards written on it “spend your waiting time in asking God’s forgiveness”.
The Arabic songs expressed very well the idea of waiting. The words of: “I’m waiting”, “wait for me”, and many other words of that sort are very common in the Arabic songs. The main idea I want to discuss here is that many hours are wasted in waiting for some thing, and these hours are taken from our life time.
Rows are first made by the Arabs. It is an uncivilized feature which proves the failure and the disability of the administrative system.
We need a solution to this problem; we need a new creative idea to repeal this primitive uncivilized feature of our society. This creative idea makes us more able to work hard and not any more lazy and careless. And if we are to wait, lets learn how to sleep any time and any where!
تاريخ الإضافة: 2014-04-04تعليق: 0عدد المشاهدات :1459