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A protest against the slaughter of Kafr el-Sheikh Museum

Cairo : A K F.

The workers of Kafr el-Sheikh Museum have organized a protest on Thursday, against the decision in the director of museums Elham Salahuddin concerning closing Kafr El-Sheikh museum "under construction", and the transfer of its employees to other locations under the pretext of retrenchment.

Employees - more than 22 staff members – are asking the President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, and the Prime Minister Sherif Ismail, and the Minister of Antiquities, Dr. Mamdouh Eldamaty, to quickly intervene to save Kafr Museum Sheikh attempts to close it, and working to complete the ongoing its construction, rather than eliminate it on purpose as they said.

The museum director Dr. Ahmed Ali Mansour, has accused director of museums of destroying a leading project which. 22 employees of the museum staged a protest, on Thursday morning, in protest at the decision to transfer the work of the museum to a raised area in Central Delta in Tanta without knowing the decision. "

Mansour said in a phone call with the program that is broadcasted on the satellite "el Mehwar", on Thursday, he was transferred all employees of the museum without the knowledge, pointing out that he had received a report to tell him that the museum has become a follower of the Egyptian antiquities sectors, not to museums sector .

He asserted that the land surrounding the museum was being rented as commercial and amusement park, under the supervision of the province, and without the knowledge of the Ministry of Antiquities.

For its part, the President of the museums sector , Ministry of Antiquities Elham Salahuddin, explained that after her appointment in the office , found that there are museums under construction and museums closed by the workers, including Kafr el-Sheikh museum, and continued: "Therefore, Kafr El-Sheikh museum is not belonging to the sector of museums."

They were working at the Museum of the effects of Kafr el-Sheikh staged on Thursday a protest in front of the doors of the museum, in a protest against the decision to transfer them to third parties belonging to the same sector, in addition to the establishment of a number of shops on the land of the museum.

A large number of educated workers supported the protest, and asked President Sisi to intervene to stop the operation of closing this cultural landmark that the governor needs, and the opening of the excesses of the Ministry of Antiquities file.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2016-03-18 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1869
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