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alamirkamalfarag.com celebrates the Tughra tamer Al Ghozzi

Cairo . A K F.

www.alamirkamalfarag.com has launched a campaign to commemorate the Egyptian calligrapher Muhammad Ghozzi who spent most of the years in the old calligraphy service message, and it was the most important work in writing the Koran.

The Supervisor of the site Amani Yassin said that "out of the role of the site, and social responsibility, we decided to celebrate the anniversary of the Egyptian calligrapher of Mohammed Ghozzi, who died in the nineties, in recognition of his art, and his contributions, and efforts in spreading calligraphy arts."

She added that "the site will collect information about the late artist, and highlight the creative work, and disseminated by all available means, to recognize the new generations."

the great artist Talaat Aziz said that : " the artist Muhammad Ghozzi -God mercy him - was of my best friends, and he was a professor, initially working in the Egyptian television, then traveled to Saudi Arabia, and served as chair of the font in the Marwa agency, and then went to work for schools in Jeddah, as a professor of the Arabi line, then unloaded for self-employment. "

He added that "all Arab artist shred lines, and most important work in writing the Koran more than once, in addition to writing the guise of the Kaaba, and print a variety of sizes." the late died in Cairo after he spent the last years with his children.

columnist Amir Kamal Farag Said " I met Muhammad Ghozzi once in 2000, and that was in the lobby of the Press Sarawat in Jeddah, where I was then follow printed magazine, where I work, when I was leaving the place, while he was coming, and introduced me to him as workers in the printing press, then we shared talk, and despite the rapid meeting was, I remember I asked him to write my name in Arabic calligraphy, he promised this, and we parted with the promise to meet soon. "

"The day after I found a letter from him, and when I opened it, I found my name by Arabic script writing embellished and beautiful, and I was pleased, and shortly after I learned that he died," and added that "it was a precious gift that remained in my papers for years , so I decided to make it a slogan for my personal website. "

Al Amir Kamal Faraj explained that "many people ask about him, and ask for information about his life, so we decided to revive the memory of this man, publishing the recent information available about him," and urged all those who have information about the him to communicate with the site to support its information.

Commenting Grand Line artist Mustafa Danasoury wrote on the site, commenting on the slogan, "The calligrapher name is written in Tughra line, known to the monogram writes a third line, but he used Diwani calligraphy substitute for a third, but this calligrapher was able to bend Diwani calligraphy best adapted to serve his idea and give him the proper aesthetics of the name. "

He added that "beauty is not subject to the base, which is a relative thing, so many kinds emerged in the Arabic calligraphy, and developed other types, reinforced what adds the Arab calligrapher from the aesthetics of the Arab character."

 www.alamirkamalfarag.com is a non-profit site launched by columnist Amir Kamal Farag in 2013, the site has launched a number of voluntary campaigns, including the" calligraphy life," Safe Internet ", " legacy of my grandfather, " the sweetest Egypt is Free, " Nile .. a matter life or death," sun soldiers," Black and white ", and the former one as a celebration of the anniversary of the departed artists such as calligrapher Mohamed Ghozzi.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2016-03-13 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1178
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